4.1. Importing Packages

from mlots.models import kNNClassifier
from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV
from scipy.io import arff
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import warnings
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score
import matplotlib
import time
%matplotlib inline
font = {'size'   : 22}

matplotlib.rc('font', **font)

4.2. Loading Data

Here we are loading the PickupGestureWiimoteZ dataset.
The datasets are in two .arff files with pre-defined train and test splits.
The following code reads the two files stores the X (time-series data) and y (labels), into their specific train and test sets. ***
name = "PickupGestureWiimoteZ"

dataset = arff.loadarff(f'../input/{name}/{name}_TRAIN.arff'.format(name=name))[0]
X_train = np.array(dataset.tolist(), dtype=np.float32)
y_train = X_train[: , -1]
X_train = X_train[:, :-1]

dataset = arff.loadarff(f'../input/{name}/{name}_TEST.arff'.format(name=name))[0]
X_test = np.array(dataset.tolist(), dtype=np.float32)
y_test = X_test[: , -1]
X_test = X_test[:, :-1]

#Converting target from bytes to integer
y_train = [int.from_bytes(el, "little") for el in y_train]
y_test = [int.from_bytes(el, "little") for el in y_test]

#Filling NaN/missing values with 0.0
X_train = np.nan_to_num(X_train, 0.0)
X_test = np.nan_to_num(X_test, 0.0)

X_train.shape, X_test.shape
((50, 361), (50, 361))


Sample size

TS length







4.3. Evaluating kNNClassifier for full-k-NN-DTW

4.3.1. Model tuning

kNNClassifier model allows us to work with a more complex distance measure like DTW in with or without MAC/FAC strategy.
Here, we would use GridSearchCV algorithm from the sklearn package to find the best set of parameters of the model over the dataset.
The model tuning would be done only over the train set of the dataset. ***
#Setting up the warping window grid of the DTW measure

dtw_params = []
for w_win in range(5,10,3):
        "global_constraint": "sakoe_chiba",
        "sakoe_chiba_radius": w_win
[{'global_constraint': 'sakoe_chiba', 'sakoe_chiba_radius': 5},
 {'global_constraint': 'sakoe_chiba', 'sakoe_chiba_radius': 8}]
#Setting up the param grid for the kNNClassifier model with the DTW params

param_grid = {
    "n_neighbors": np.arange(1,10,2),
    "metric_params" : dtw_params
{'n_neighbors': array([ 1,  3,  5,  7,  9]),
 'metric_params': [{'global_constraint': 'sakoe_chiba',
   'sakoe_chiba_radius': 5},
  {'global_constraint': 'sakoe_chiba', 'sakoe_chiba_radius': 8},
  {'global_constraint': 'sakoe_chiba', 'sakoe_chiba_radius': 11}]}
#Executing the GridSearchCv over the kNNClassifier model with the supplied param_grid.

model = kNNClassifier(mac_metric="dtw")
gscv = GridSearchCV(model, param_grid=param_grid, cv=5,
                    scoring="accuracy", n_jobs=-1).fit(X_train,y_train)
#Displaying the best parameters of kNNClassifier within the search grid.

best_param = gscv.best_params_
best_score = gscv.best_score_
print("Best Parameters: ", best_param)
print("Best Accuracy: ", best_score)
Best Parameters:  {'metric_params': {'global_constraint': 'sakoe_chiba', 'sakoe_chiba_radius': 5}, 'n_neighbors': 1}
Best Accuracy:  0.62

4.3.2. Evaluation of tuned model

The parameters displayed above are optimal set of parameters for the kNNClassifier model over PickupGestureWiimoteZ dataset.
Our next task is then to train the kNNClassifier model over the train set with the optimal set of parameters, and evaluate the model over the held-out test set. ***
start = time.time()
model = kNNClassifier(**best_param,mac_metric="dtw",

y_hat = model.predict(X_test)
acc = accuracy_score(y_test, y_hat)
end = time.time()
elapsed = end-start
print("Model Accuracy: ", round(acc, 2))
print("Time: ", round(elapsed, 2))
Model Accuracy:  0.7
Time:  12.75

We achieve an accuracy of 70% by full k-NN-DTW model. The model takes 12.75 \(s\) to complete the task.

4.4. Using MAC/FAC Strategy

Here we would look into speeding up the classification of the kNNClassifer model by using the MAC/FAC strategy.
The classification would happen in two stages: - MAC stage: The model retrieves a candidate subset of size mac_neighbors using the mac_metric. - FAC stage: The model retrieves the closest n_neighbors from the candidates set using DTW, and consider them for prediction/classification.

4.4.1. Model tuning

param_grid = {
    "n_neighbors": np.arange(1,6,2),
    "mac_neighbors": np.arange(20,40,5)
{'n_neighbors': array([ 1,  3,  5]),
 'mac_neighbors': array[20, 25, 30, 35]}
#We use the the same metric_params as supplied to previous model, for fair analysis.
metric_params = {'global_constraint': 'sakoe_chiba', 'sakoe_chiba_radius': 5}

model = kNNClassifier(mac_metric="euclidean",
gscv_mf = GridSearchCV(model, param_grid=param_grid, cv=5,
                    scoring="accuracy", n_jobs=-1).fit(X_train,y_train)
#Displaying the best parameters of kNNClassifier within the search grid.

best_param_mf = gscv_mf.best_params_
best_score_mf = gscv_mf.best_score_
print("Best Parameters: ", best_param_mf)
print("Best Accuracy: ", best_score_mf)
Best Parameters:  {'mac_neighbors': 20, 'n_neighbors': 1}
Best Accuracy:  0.7

4.4.2. Evaluation of tuned model

start = time.time()
model_mf = kNNClassifier(**best_param_mf,mac_metric="euclidean",
                           metric_params=metric_params, n_jobs=1).fit(X_train,y_train)

y_hat_mf = model_mf.predict(X_test)
acc_mf = accuracy_score(y_test, y_hat_mf)
end = time.time()
elapsed_mf = end-start
print("Model Accuracy: ", round(acc_mf, 2))
print("Retrieval Time: ", round(elapsed_mf, 2))
Model Accuracy:  0.7
Retrieval Time:  0.93

kNNClassifer w/ MAC/FAC strategy achieves the same classification accuracy of full-kNN-DTW. However, the model is 10 times faster than the previous one.

4.5. Comparison

Here we do bar-plot that would illustrate the performance of the kNNClassifier model with default parameters against the model with the tuned parameters.
The matplotlib.pyplot is employed for this task. ***
models = ["Vanilla", "MAC/FAC"]
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,8))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax.bar(models, [acc,acc_mf], color="skyblue", label="Accuracy")
ax2 = ax.twinx()
         linewidth=0, label="Time")
ax.set_ylabel('Accuracy (%)')
ax2.set_ylabel('Time (s)')